Monday, May 21, 2007

Old Stuff

I was flipping through my old pc at home last night and found these old art works. Not only art works but also things that would remind me of old times and possibly make me laugh, I mean make me happy.

Instead of leaving them in the pc which the harddisk may crack one day and everything's gone like I would never remember them, I decided to post up here to share with everybody.

They are not what so ever great stuff but at least a few months or years later when I see these again, they would certainly make my day!

Didn't even know I sketched this fat version of Spidey before! So glad I found him...

My 3D character called Zelod. The final project in school with a 5 minutes short.

A masterpiece of me and my buddy, Jin How. He started with the outline, and I continued with the digital painting. That's whole lot of story and sign in the picture, including the title.

The world is celebrating the premierre of Pirate 3, I present you Captain Jack Sparrow!

One of the drawing when I was a kid, but have forgotten what age. Always love the marine life!

My most favourite character design so far. Captain Hood, the good side of pirates. I wrote a script for it as well, someday I will put it into screen! I wish...

One of my most favourite director of all time, Michael Bay! Never missed any single of his movie! Incase you don't know who he is, his blockbuster is going to strike the world this year - 'Transformer'. Michael Bay rocks!

A designed character of myself. Reminded me of how I look last time. Cool hah?

For most of my figure drawing, I like this alot. Very free and simple sketching. and I think the flow is just as good as I want it to be. Oh ya, that's a figure of my girlfriend's sister.

One of the so call 'masterpiece' of me and my girlfriend. I painted the left one and she did the right one.


  1. Now I remember about the spidey piece. In that picture, he is waiting for elevator...@@ You know what it means.

  2. the stomach too big..:P

  3. Haha...he ate all the pizzas! Oh no, is he still in the pizza delivery business?
