Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Latest Wedding SDEs

It has been a while since we last updated our wedding SDE.
Here are some of the works we did recently, hope you all enjoy! :)

Follow us at facebook now:

Saturday, October 16, 2010




Please join our Facebook: D1 PRODUCTION

Wednesday, September 15, 2010





在一次偶然的機會下,我拍了Da.Mon.Ster的Expired Rubbish MV,
就在這個時候,很偶然地被 TVBS發現,並且訪問了我,還上了台灣新聞。



Friday, August 06, 2010

03/08 星洲日報,娛樂版

 ‎03/08 星洲日報,娛樂版 | Sin Chew Daily, Entertaiment

看到這支MV在網上不停的有人在传和分享, 還有大家的留言, 對MV的讚賞和肯定
真的很開心 !
這對我的事業和夢想, 添了多一份衝勁, 也添了不少壓力...
因為當越多人認識你時, 同時也表示你接下來要呈現的作品, 一定要比前一部好。
但是我會更努力的 !:)

Sunday, August 01, 2010

摩斯特Da.Mon.Ster 【Expired Rubbish】官方MV



由 Dick Chua執導,【Expired Rubbish】官方MV 0108網絡大首播



出品Production House: D1 Production
導演Director: Dick Chua
監制Producer: KahGiap Lee, Dick Chua
故事Story/Screenplay: Dick Chua
攝影指導DOP: Dick Chua
攝影CamOp: Bak Chee Hong, KahGiap Lee
助理Production Assistant: Yee Cheng Haw
化妝Make-up & Hair: Sharon Lean,Hair Index, Lence Ladies Academy,
剪接Editor: Dick Chua

父親 Father - Ke Feng Lum
兒子Son - Shan Fei & 阿栋
司機Driver - Singblass Rui Ping
店員Worker - Cheng Haw
路人Stranger - Jhunnie ccf
朋友Friend 1 - Kenneff Lam
朋友Friend 2 - Sharon Lean

Special Thanks to
Jacky (ESH Electrical Store), Desmond Yeow (Persatuan Kebajikan Ci Hang-Chempaka Selangor), Si Huat Soong (Kedai Runcit Eng Hong Long), Mrs. Eng, Ah Dan, 兰姨, Shou Wan, Kenneff Lam, YunC, Reinert, Jhunnie, Singblass, Yong Hao, Aik Sern, Wei Jan, Wuei Hiong, Alice Yue, Kahhooi Lai, and our family.

D1 Production Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/D1-PRODUCTION/117380118293932
摩斯特Da.Mon.Ster Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=358189659757

Monday, July 26, 2010


MV Snapshot

那時後接到Wind打來的一通電話, 說想找我拍一部溫力銘的MV
哇! 當時的心情, 又興奮又擔心
雖然嚴格來說, 我沒拍過甚麼MV, 但我還是大膽的接了
回到家裡, 還記得我在FB打了一行字:
畢竟, 溫力銘也算是一位馬來西亞資深有名的歌手
對, 他就是siapa的原唱。

第一次和溫力銘見面喝茶, 是在Garden的一間餐廳
很親切, 沒甚麼大明星架勢
就像一般二十來歲的青年, 拿著一架iphone
然後把耳機拿給我, 讓我聽聽他的新創作。

第一次聽到”Expired Rubbish”我就愛上了
第一個感覺, 就是回想起他唱的 Siapa
是那種藏著悲傷, 可是很有震嘆力的曲子
後來聊了 才知道
這將是他新組的一個新組合- DA.MON.STER的主打歌
由Danny溫力銘, Monkey D, 和EsterMayMay組成

我花了幾天時間, 想不到一個好的故事
歌詞內容很直接, 想要表達的也許大家一聽就明白
但在這一個簡單的道理裡面, 又怎樣用一個手法,
讓觀眾看了, 還藏有去思考的空間?
這對我來說, 很重要

這時我想, 一個孩子 他為甚麼會拋棄自己的父母親?
最大的原因, 我想 就是因為他只看到現在 和將來
現在和將來父母老了, 會怎樣阻礙他們的生活 會怎樣成為他們的負擔
很多時候, 我們都忘了回頭看

想到這裡, 我終於有了頭緒
也就是這個MV, 應該用一種倒敘的方式 來說故事。
之後我想起了兒時的玩意 – Baja Hitam (Kamen Rider)
用它來貫穿整個故事, 使得它更加有意思。

有了故事, 就是開始策劃整個拍攝的時候
這時候, 問題又來了
因為人手與資金的不足, 基本上也只有我和一位助理
所以很多籌備功夫, 尋找演員, 拍攝地點, 都變成很難
我們得尋找的主力演員要有3個, 拍攝地點有大約11個,
當時我也一再的質疑 到底是不是拍不成了

因為時間的允許 我把Kah Giap帶了進來
Kah Giap曾因為監為producer一職和我合作過多次

很快, 就到了拍攝的日期
三天的拍攝 可以說是順利完成了
雖然第三天因為時間的關係, 我不得不放棄一些畫面
但是由始至終我都明白, 整個過程不可能是完美的
我學習取捨, 學習分析甚麼可有可無...
留下來為我們拍攝到很夜, 因為他第二早還得上學呢

特別是在有限的製作團隊 和有限的時間裡
除了指導演員, 演員的走位, 表情動作,
背景的真實度, 背景演員的走位,
構圖和角度, 應該用甚麼鏡頭, 畫面應該怎樣動, 燈光怎樣打...
太多了... 因此也讓我更加佩服完成一部好電影的導演

所有的工作人員, 雖然嚴格來說我們只有4位
所以很多時候 大家都得並肩不同崗位
好像化妝師也得幫我們拿燈 還被派上場當臨時演員
謝謝專業的演員 歌手們
謝謝你們為這支MV的無怨付出 與汗水!

- Dick Chua

MV Snapshot2

8月1日 - 摩斯特 • DA.MON.STER 的FB首播
8月5日 - 8TV <八八六十事> 全马电视首播

大家記得要支持支持! :)

想要看看MV的幕後劇照, 請按這里

D1 Production facebook:

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

PassionRepublic 台灣之旅 Taiwan Trip

This is a video montage of Passion Republic's first company trip. Enjoy! :)

Youtube version click HERE.

台北 - 日月潭 - 高雄 - 九份 - 台北
謝謝Aik Sern和Cathy,還有所有的同事朋友,因為你們,這次的旅程才會精采!

Shot with Canon 7D + GoPro Hero.

More photos to come!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Pudu Jail Demolition - 21.06.2010

"It stood for over a century and it took minutes to tear it down..." says SapphireBombay .

Our government decided not to keep Pudu Jail as one of the heritage site although it is more than 100 years old. The Pudu Jail wall, stretching about 300 meters, was demolished at 10pm last night.

I think it is such a waste to tear down the wall, knowing that it was once the world longest mural painting on the prison wall, painted by 3 prisoner during that time. At least I think they should preserve part of the wall because it has such a great history. As for the prison itself, I always thought it is a nice scene for a movie, it looks old and creepy, but now I would never have the chance to be filming in it anymore.

Last night, after I heard about the news, I decided to head over to Pudu Jail with my 550D to film part of the demolition, no tripod, no tracking, no steadicam this time... but just a camera and a lens, to capture what witnessed from my eyes. Leaving its memories and the last few pictures of the wall into a short video.

The lighting condition at the main entrance area was very poor, I got to set my camera ISO up to 3200, even 6400 with 2.8 f-stop. But when I moved to the side where they actually started the demolition, because of the spot lights, the ISO could decrease all the way down to 100, which is alot better. At there, you can see so many photographers and videographers making their chance to get the last coverage of the walls and broken pieces. Big cameras, small digicams, camera lights, external mic... lots of equipments, then I started to regret I should at least bring a monopod to get some steady shots.

After the shoot and supper with Gary, I reached home about 2am. Immediately I proceed with the editing and it's about 6am in the morning I uploaded it onto the web. And now I feel so grateful that this clip has been spreading so widely in the facebook and twitters, receiving lots of comments like I never had from all my previous videos.

THANK YOU very much! Not only for liking my works, but more importantly to spread this to the world, and to many many people who has or has not realized this action of government, who grew up walking by pass the wall, and who would remember the name... Pudu Jail (1895-2010).

Some of the video snapshots:
Pudu Jail Demolition - 21.06.2010
Pudu Jail Demolition - 21.06.2010
Pudu Jail Demolition - 21.06.2010
Pudu Jail Demolition - 21.06.2010
Pudu Jail Demolition - 21.06.2010
Pudu Jail Demolition - 21.06.2010
Pudu Jail Demolition - 21.06.2010
Pudu Jail Demolition - 21.06.2010
Pudu Jail Demolition - 21.06.2010
Pudu Jail Demolition - 21.06.2010
Pudu Jail Demolition - 21.06.2010

Shot entirely with 1 Canon 550D + 17-50mm f2.8 Tamron.
Edited and color graded in FCP.

Youtube link:

D1 Production facebook:

Wednesday, June 16, 2010






Monday, June 07, 2010

Sheri + Yi Shen | SDE

Last year I helped Sheri and YiShen to take video on their ROM, half year later, I'm so happy to be invited again to be part of their big day, the wedding ceremony.

Congratulations to Sheri and Yi Shen!

Sheri is a very best friend of my sister. They have been very close like sisters since they were kids, so it is both pleasure and pressure to handle the shoot. It was fun shooting on the day because the sisters are nice and pretty, and the best man is very funny while playing the games. I enjoyed the shoot very much, as well as editing this piece, it got me laugh for a few times!

Here's a video shows how this new wedded couple reacts to the screening of their morning ceremony SDE:

I hope you enjoy the video too! :)

Join us at facebook:

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Wei Wei + Kah Win | Dinner Reception

I was there at the next day's dinner reception of Wei Wei and Kah Win, and was glad to be able to capture the dinner for them. It was a great night, I got to meet up with many old friends and school mates.

Speaking of Wei Wei, she is a friend of mine since we were at primary school. And all I could remember about her was that she has a good voice, a great singer! So I thought this song would suit her well... music, and love! :P

This is the first dinner reception highlight we've done. The reception was held at Bukit Jalil Gold Resort, and because it was held the next day after the morning ceremony, so we were able to be there earlier to capture some preparations. The low light is a big issue for us shooting ...in that hall, we had asked for brighten it up but guess that is the most they can go, so we just got to live with it and sorry for the graininess... :P

Once again, congratulations to Wei Wei and Kah Win, and we couldn't be more happy to be part of this special evening! :)

Connect with us at facebook now:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Keith Ng + Pei Sang | SDE

First of all, I must say this is one of my most enjoyable wedding shoot. Keith is my best friend from secondary school, he's one handsome boy, and still keeping it sharp till now, his big day! I'm happy for him, married a pretty and friendly wife Pei Sang. Congratulation my friend, and I can't be more grateful to be invited to this special life event and to film it down.

We went from groom place, to bride and back to groom and then to the bride again in one and half hour time at that morning, lots of traveling. But good thing is they both staying quite near and I'm glad the sequence cut out well. The brick house, one beautiful place where the bride and family had a night stay in there. I like the lighting in there, it covers by many trees and plants and light rays are all around.

The little green forest, it's actually a playground field outside Keith's house made a good scene. We had a little time at there after the ceremony and they both were so co-operative with us even though it was really tiring after the long day. The shots are so worth it I mean, it adds a little touch to the film.

On our side, it is good to see the outcome of our first try to combine slow-motion and normal speed sequence. The slow-mo is nice playing along with the great song by Daniel Powter - Whole World Around. My personal favorite shot is where the couple walking out from the brick house and we see all the colorful ribbons falling from the sky.

It is also my first time to use our newly bought lens, Tamron 17-50 VC. The whole gaming part and most of the other shots were film using this lens. And I must admit it is a great lens for using handheld because the VC, and good range you can cover from 17mm to 50mm with a pretty nice depth f2.8. The white balance is one of the issue because it is more unstable compared to Canon's, and it's very yellowish under the bulb but a bit color correction in post will save it.

We hope you enjoy the video! :)

Connect with us at facebook:

Monday, May 17, 2010

Seng Pit + Suaning | SDE

Seng Pit is a gymnastic coach, Suaning is a school teacher... I think both of them made a perfect match! They painted their room together, made special gift for the guests... we saw lots of hardwork and hearts from them.
Thanks to Seng Pit and Suaning for letting us be a part of this fabulous day! We wish you a happily ever after! :)

On our part, it was quite a challenge because we have only a limited time - less than 4 hours to send out this SDE. It was rush, we were transcoding the footages along the shoot, even in the car when traveling from one place to another. The editing progress was tough because the playtime is longer than what we did previously, as we hear the clock ticking it went harder, luckily the rendering time this time was fast enough and glad we made it on time. Hope you will like the video! :)

Connect with us at facebook now:

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

D1 PRODUCTION on Facebook

Thank you for supporting D1 Production for all these years. Now, we have created a page in Facebook for D1 Production. Please click on the link below to join us now, by just tapping on the "like" button and stay tuned for more updates! Thank you and see you there! :)


D1 PRODUCTION on facebook

Thursday, April 29, 2010

周金亮-想說話的歌 | 預告版

A short documentary about a renown composer/song writer in Malaysia - Chow Kam Leong. The song title "lonely night" was written and composed by himself.

We hope you can watch this using your earphone, or at a quiet place.

Director: Dick Chua
Producer: Kahgiap Lee
Cinematographer: Dick Chua, Kahgiap Lee, Kahooi Lai
Sound recording: Xiang
Editor: Dick Chua
Production House: D1 Production

Some snapshots:
周金亮-想說話的歌 | 預告版Trailer
周金亮-想說話的歌 | 預告版Trailer
周金亮-想說話的歌 | 預告版Trailer
周金亮-想說話的歌 | 預告版Trailer
周金亮-想說話的歌 | 預告版Trailer
周金亮-想說話的歌 | 預告版Trailer

Friday, April 23, 2010

Canon 550D/Rebel T2i first test

Had my first test with 550D at one of the famous street in KL, Malaysia - Bintang Walk

Shot with EF50mm f1.8, 720p 50fps, ISO800-1600, Standard picture style, manual setting, edited and slowmo in FCP.

Just like the 7D, there are 2 settings for video in 550D, which is either fully auto, or fully manual. It also comes with the same frame size and frame rate with the 7D, which you can shoot from full HD 1080p, 720p, to SD 640x480. In addition, 550D came out with a new cropped frame for 640x480 which is just cropped pixel that made it like a zoom. Picture quality wise, I would say it is excellent, I can't really tell the different between 550D and 7D.

Things that I don't like about it compared to 7D, is the video mode have to switch from the dial on top, and it is located too far from the creative picture mode (AV, TV, M...), means that if I wanted to take picture with the AV mode (which I oftenly do), and instantly I want to switch to video, I have to rotate about a circle to reach the video mode.

Compared to 7D, the 550D's respond time is abit slow. There is a obvious delay when I record - stop - magnify - and record again. Sometimes I have to press a few times to do the magnifying focus. I think this due to the single processor in 550D, while the 7D has dual processor.

However, the good thing is I found it's more easier to focus compared to 7D, maybe because the LCD is slightly bigger, and the screen looks sharper.

550D is definitely a camera which "You get more from what you pay!". It's handy, light and easy to bring around, and is still hard to believe that with this size of camera, you get to produce such superb quality video!

Canon 550D/Rebel T2i first test

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I'm The One - Commercial Ad

Client: Justlife
Title: I'm The One

Lim Shan Fei as Zheng Hao Sir
FiFi Leong as Wonton Mee lady boss
Li Hwa as girl in the cafe
Ahmad Murad Abd Rahman as the cafe boss

Producer: Kahgiap Lee
Writer/Director: Dick Chua
DOP: Dick Chua
Location Sound: Kah Hooi
Music Composer: Singblass
Production Assistant: Xiang, Kah Hooi
Editor: Dick Chua
Motion graphic: Kahgiap Lee
Production House: D1 Production

Special thanks to: Wei Jan, Kai Yen, Raymond, Chong Hooi, Xiao Wei, Jhunnie, and everyone else who helped and contributed the photos.

Related link:
Youtube version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TASPS3mwT6M
Behind the scene: http://www.vimeo.com/10755247
Justlife facebook: http://www.facebook.com/justlifeshop

I'm The One - TVC
I'm The One - TVC
I'm The One - TVC
I'm The One - TVC
I'm The One - TVC
I'm The One - TVC
I'm The One - TVC
I'm The One - TVC
I'm The One - TVC

Monday, April 19, 2010

Desmond + June | Wedding SDE

Congratulations to Desmond and June! This is the sde video screen during their wedding dinner, hope you enjoy! :)

Thursday, April 08, 2010

'I'm The One' - Behind the scene

A 'Behind the scene' of a commercial shoot we did recently, thanks to Kahgiap who shot this.
A big thanks to Shan Fei, FiFi, Lihwa and everyone else who helped during the shoot. The final video will be out by the 20th this month. We will also share more about this production at that time.

Stay tuned. :)

'I'm The One" commercial shoot

'I'm The One" commercial shoot

Sunday, March 28, 2010

WeiHan + WuiHa | Wedding SDE

Congratulation to this cute couple WeiHan and WuiHa!

It was a very hot day!!! and I couldn't stop sweating all day long, non-stop! But it was fun. Wei Han is friend since college time, and now I am so happy to be there to capture the moments of his big day!

The wedding ceremony was a happening one, Wei Han has a big family of relatives, some of them came all the way from Australia. The ceremony ended around 3pm, means until the dinner reception, I had only 3 hours for the SDE editing, including file transfering and output.
That's one, another challenging part was to use the Final Cut Pro to edit for the first time. I knew Avid would spend too much time on the transcoding during import, to overcome that problem, I recently bought a new MacBookPro to replace my old broken laptop, and also to use FCP for faster same day editing.

Everything went so rush, and we were still rendering the video while on our way to the dinner reception. Anyway, we were glad this video came out on time, and this was screened at their dinner reception. :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

HANDS Percussion - BTS

It is our pleasure to help the HANDS Percussion team (手集團) to produce video for their drum performance. We had great time working with a group of passionate and artistic people, including the lighting guys, sound guys and the drummers who are young and energetic!

We spent one day at the Actor Studio Lot10, from setting up lights and sounds, rehearsing, and filming for 2 pieces of their drum performance.

It was also our first time shooting with the combination of Canon 7D and 5Dmk2. We hope you enjoy this behind-the-scene while waiting the video to complete! :)

Choreographer: Bernard Goh
Cinematographer: Dick Chua, Ah Bak
Lighting: Ah Heng
Sound: John
Editor: Dick Chua

Saturday, February 27, 2010

My new sound gadgets

Robe VideoMic & Zoom H4N

Sounds and audios are very important in film making, yet they are always something not taken care by the independence film makers. From the previous videos I had made, I realized that the audio is a big issue with VDSLR camera - it's mono and doesn't allow any setting control for audio/sound, not even a AGC (Automatic gain control) built in it, so even when I plug in a external mic, the audio level can go too high and result a very bad audio.

So here's something I bought in recently, a ROBE Video Mic & a ZOOM H4N handy recorder.

ROBE Video Mic is a condenser microphone which made to mount on the DSLR's hot shoe. This directional condenser microphone focus on the sound coming from infront, and isolate the sound from the background. It is a very good mic for taking on-the-go dialogues, very useful when shooting documentary. The quality is almost as good as pointing a boom mic at the subject.

ZOOM H4N recorder is a combination of a high quality stereo microphone and a sound recorder. It can be taking up to 4 channels of audios, and you can control each sound level. It records in both wav and mp3 format, with the qualities up to 24bit/96kHz. Many more functions and setting you can play around... It works as an independence device, it's very handy and easy bring around, and I love that it supports XLR cable!

Here's a quick test of the stereo mic:

Now with these 2 gadgets, I can have good audios in my video! Yeah! :D

Monday, February 22, 2010


各位各位,開學的,開工的... ... 大吉大利!! 開啊~

Passion Republic

Passion Republic

Saturday, February 20, 2010

1st trip of 2010

Back to my favorite Perhentian Island, 18-19th Feb 2010, New Cocohut Chalet.

Pulau Perhentian
Pulau Perhentian
Pulau Perhentian
Pulau Perhentian
Pulau Perhentian
Pulau Perhentian
Pulau Perhentian
Pulau Perhentian
Pulau Perhentian
Pulau Perhentian
Pulau Perhentian
Pulau Perhentian
Pulau Perhentian
Pulau Perhentian
Pulau Perhentian
Pulau Perhentian
Pulau Perhentian
Pulau Perhentian
Pulau Perhentian
Pulau Perhentian
Pulau Perhentian

Hope you enjoy the photos!
For island trip inquiry, please contact me~ :P
